Are you looking to break into the exciting world of wholesaling real estate? It can be intimidating at first - but for those willing to put in the work, it’s a great way to break into the real estate job market. 


We’ve talked at length all about real estate wholesaling, so we’re only going to briefly touch on that here. What we’re going to talk about is how investors can use wholesale real estate direct mail to contact property owners who may be looking to sell.


House that is being sold at below market value


What Is Wholesaling Real Estate? A Brief Summary


For those unfamiliar with wholesale real estate, it's all about finding properties that are being sold below market value and connecting them with buyers who are willing to pay more. As the middleman, you earn a profit by facilitating the sale.


How Do Investors Find Properties To Wholesale?

  • Use lead generation software for real estate like Leadflow
  • Scan real estate listings for properties that have been discounted or have been on the market for a long time
  • Network with agents and other industry insiders who may have access to off-market properties
  • Look for probate or estate sale listings, as these can sometimes offer discounted properties
  • Use online resources like auction websites or tax lien lists to find properties that are being sold at a discount


Getting Property Owner Contact Info

Once you've identified a few potential properties to wholesale, the next step is to track down the contact information for the property owners. This is where skip tracing comes in handy. By using a variety of resources, such as public records and social media, skiptracing allows you to find the phone numbers and addresses of property owners, even if they're not listed in traditional real estate directories.



Marketing To Motivated Sellers Using Wholesale Real Estate Direct Mail


Now that you have the contact information for potential sellers, it's time to reach out and introduce yourself. This is where real estate direct mail comes into play. Direct mail is a targeted marketing strategy that involves sending physical mail, such as letters or postcards, to a specific group of people. By sending direct mail to property owners, you can effectively introduce yourself and your business, and outline the benefits of selling their property to you.


Not only is direct mail a personal and professional way to reach out to potential sellers, but it can also be a highly effective lead generation tool. By sending targeted mail to property owners in your area, you can generate a steady stream of leads and build a successful wholesale real estate business.


Tools To Help You Craft The Perfect Direct Mail Outreach



Wholesaling Real Estate Direct Mail Template


Here’s a free direct mail template you can use when reaching out to the owners of properties you’re looking to wholesale on;

“Dear [Property Owner],


I hope this letter finds you well. My name is [Your Name] and I am a real estate investor based in [Your City]. I specialize in purchasing properties in [Your City], and I wanted to reach out because your property really caught my eye.


I noticed that your property has been on the market for some time, and I think that’s something I can help you with. 


I understand that selling a home can be a complex and emotional process, which is why I want to make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible for you. If you want to set up a phone call or a face-to-face to chat more, please don't hesitate to contact me. 


I’m available at [Your Phone Number] or by email at [Your Email].


Thank you for considering my offer, and I really look forward to potentially working with you.



[Your Name]”

Take note that your wholesale real estate direct mail letter can be identical to a standard direct mail letter you send to any other motivated seller.

That’s because to the seller, the process is the same.

They don’t know or care if you’re going to wholesale the property - what matters to them is closing their sale. So if you’re planning to purchase a property and wholesale it, you don’t even need to mention anything about wholesaling to the seller.


Wholesaling properties is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to real estate professions, and direct mail just one of the many ways you can market to potential leads. 


If you’re ready to level up your real estate investing career, the right software is critical, and that’s where Leadflow comes in. It’s your all-in-one real estate investing platform to help you find, track and close deals.

Ready to get started? Grab your 7-day free trial of Leadflow today!

