Real Estate Investor Marketing:
Ideas, Tools, Tips & Strategies

Knowledge can only get you so far in real estate investing.

After all - if you’re not marketing to real estate leads, you have no properties to apply that knowledge to.

And while Leadflow is an all-in-one lead generation and marketing tool, we’re going to dive deep into the concepts behind Leadflow’s power of real estate marketing for investors

Chapter 1:

Building Your Real Estate Investor Plan

Real estate investor creating a marketing plan

If you’re not planning, you’re not trying.

True overnight successes are extraordinarily rare. For most “overnight successes”, we see the result. What we don’t see is the time, work and effort it took to get to that result. That time, work and effort were all directed toward a single, calculated goal. In this case - a real estate investor marketing plan.

Understanding how marketing for real estate investors, along with the foundations of investing, are two critical components to your success.


The Major Difference Between Real Estate Investing Leads

The one major difference between real estate investing leads is that “sellers” are looking to sell their properties, whereas “buyers” are looking to invest in a property.

These two leads require different marketing strategies.

But these two lead types are equally important to the real estate investing process. So below, we look at how to market to each type of lead.

Chapter 2:

Marketing Strategies To Find Motivated Sellers

Real Estate Investor marketing to leads through skip tracing

Getting Started

Before sending a single email or picking up the phone even once, you want to make sure you’re getting the highest ROI for your time

This means only contacting motivated seller leads.

The key word here is “motivated”. Whether you’re building a real estate investing business or simply exploring the opportunities available near you, contacting motivated sellers are key to your success.

Showing location pins above motivated sellers homes

To illustrate this point, let’s look at an example.

Greg is an investor looking for motivated sellers in order to grow his investment portfolio. 

  • Greg gets a positive response from motivated sellers 5% of the time
  • Greg gets a positive response from non-motivated sellers .5% of the time


Now look - Greg is already going to send 100 emails out. He gets 10x more positive responses from motivated sellers, thus his ROI on motivated sellers is 10x

Why would he even bother contacting non-motivated sellers?

In the example above, Greg simply needs to find motivated sellers to reach out to, which Leadflow automatically does for him. But this little bit of extra work improves his ROI by 10x. 

What type of investor doesn’t want those types of returns?

Step #1: Gathering Lead Contact Information

The building block of your real estate investor marketing plan is gathering contact information for motivated leads

You can do this a couple ways;

Skip Tracing

Real estate skip tracing is a critical piece of investment property marketing and involves getting the phone number or email address of motivated property sellers.


Now, some methods of manual skip tracing can actually help you identify motivated sellers, because manual skip tracing involves searching government documents and records for distressed properties, pre-foreclosure homes, properties with tax liens, etc. 

If you’re building a real estate investing business, remember that this method of skip tracing is very labor intensive and really not scalable. As you grow, you’ll want to find an all-in-one software that can identify and skip trace motivated seller leads for you.


Networking can be an incredibly useful tool to find motivated property sellers in the real estate investor marketing process. This can be done by joining local real estate groups or networking events, reaching out to other industry professionals, or even networking with friends and family to see if they know of anyone who may be interested in selling their property. 

 By building relationships and consistently seeking out new connections, you may be able to find motivated sellers who are looking to sell their property quickly and efficiently. 

 Remember to be persistent and proactive in your networking efforts, and to always be on the lookout for new leads and opportunities.

Step #2: Initiating The Deal

Now that you’ve identified your motivated sellers and have their contact information, it’s time to initiate the deal.

This may seem daunting, but lucky for you there are four tried and true marketing strategies.

Real estate direct mail marketing piece in mailbox

Direct Mail

Investors often use real estate direct mail campaigns as a way to find motivated seller leads. This involves sending targeted marketing materials such as;

  • Letters
  • Handwritten letters
  • Postcards
  • Brochures


The goal of these campaigns is simple; find individuals who are willing to sell their property quickly, often at a discounted price, due to financial or personal circumstances. 

In real estate marketing for investors, direct mail can reach a large number of potential leads and filter out those who are not interested in selling. This can be an effective way for investors to find properties to purchase and flip, or to add to their rental portfolio.

Email Campaigns

Real estate email campaigns are one of the most tried and true tools in real estate investor marketing.

Create a targeted email that speaks to the specific needs and concerns of your motivated sellers, such as the ability to sell quickly or assistance with finding a new home. 

Be sure to include a call to action, such as requesting a meeting or phone call to discuss their needs in more detail. It may be helpful to offer a free consultation or market analysis to encourage them to respond. It may also be useful to segment your email list based on factors such as location or property type to personalize your messaging and increase the likelihood of a response.

Useful tools for email campaigns include;

Cold Calling

In real estate investor marketing, cold calling involves reaching out to motivated sellers who have either expressed interest in selling their property (putting it on the market) or who have an off-market property that may show economic signs of being a motivated seller (which you would find through skiptracing).

Cold calling can be daunting at first - but remember.

Every “no” brings you closer to a “yes”.


Many investors find that using a real estate seller script or a well-prepared list of questions can help to make the process more efficient, effective and less time consuming.


Once you have your lead’s contact information, a powerful tool in the real estate marketer’s toolbox is SMS messaging for real estate.

SMS, or Short Message Service, is a quick and easy way to send text messages to individuals or groups. It's a communication tool that most people have access to, making it an effective way to reach a large number of people in a short amount of time.

So, what should you include in your SMS message to motivated sellers? 

Keep it short and to the point. Introduce yourself and explain why you're contacting them (e.g. "Hi, my name is John and I'm an investor interested in purchasing properties in the area. I saw that you have a property for sale and wanted to see if you'd be open to discussing the possibility of selling it to me.") You can also include a link to your website or a short video explaining your services.

Other Unique Ways To Find Motivated Sellers

Building a Real Estate Investor Website

As a real estate investor, creating your own website helps you not only reach potential sellers, but helps you establish yourself as an authority in the field.

After all - it’s far more convincing to send someone to your website than tell them, “trust me, I’ve done this before!”

A couple tips to building your own real estate investor website;

  1. Narrow Focus To A Couple Zip Codes - When you’re first starting out - focus on an area you know well and become an expert in it. What kind of growth has this area experienced in the past 10 years? Where’s in going in the next 10?

  2. Create A Clear CTA - The goal of your website is to start a conversation with a potential client.

  3. Include Your Focus Area In Your Domain Name - One of the main ranking factors for SEO is the domain name. Including your geographic area of focus in your domain name will have a huge impact.

  4. Include A QR Code On Your Business Card - One of the keys to real estate investor marketing is making it easy for your clients to get to you. If you’re giving out business cards, include a QR code that they can easily scan and go straight to your website.

  5. Apply SEO - SEO stands for “search engine optimization”, which basically means getting your website to show up in the first couple results when someone searches for what you’re focused on. 


Real Estate Investor Website Tools
Phone showing social media apps for real estate marketing

Social Media

Having a killer social media presence is indispensable in today’s competitive market. 

But remember - you’re a small team when you’re starting out, and you don’t have the resources to do everything all at once.

Pick one or two platforms that you can build a strong presence on.

And remember - marketing for real estate investors is marketing - who is your target audience? Do they hang out more on Facebook? Tiktok? Instagram? 

Pick the platform that your audience will resonate most with, and crush it.

Real Estate Investor Social Media Tools


PPC ads, or pay-per-click ads, is a way to advertise on search engines (Google, Bing) and social media (Instagram, Facebook, etc).

You basically pay to place relevant ads in front of users that will find your value proposition enticing. 

The main advantage of PPC ads is that you can get hyper-granular with who sees your ads. This means, if someone is searching for things like, “how to sell house fast” or, “how to get rid of a tax lien” - you can make sure these people will see your ads.

Keep in mind - you’ll need to have a website to run pay-per-click ads on search engines like Google and Bing, while you’ll need active social accounts for paid social advertising.


PPC Ads Tools   |   Google Keyword Planner   •   Monday.com   •   Google Ad Manager   •   Optmyzr
Chapter 3:

Finding motivated real estate buyers can be challenging - but the most challenging part? 

Convincing buyers they can trust you. And how do real estate investors know they can trust you?

Your reputation.

How To Build A Reputation As A Real Estate Investor

If you’re wondering how to market to real estate investors, trust goes a very, very long way.

After all - it’s one thing to convince someone to give you their house for cash. Cash has the same value to everyone, everywhere. Sellers are less likely to get ripped off when accepting cash for their property.

But buyers are giving you the cash. They’re skeptical. They don’t want to buy a lemon. And they know that despite all the property inspections and papers they’ve seen, there’s a small chance that something is hiding in the fine print, and that they can be ripped off at the last moment.

That’s where your reputation comes into play. Buyers are far more likely to buy an investment property when others have come before them and had a good experience.

Here are 3 ways you can build trust among potential real estate investors.

Real Estate Investor setting up their marketing website


Again, we come back to how important it is for real estate investors to have their own website.

One important thing to add to this - ask your clients to give testimonials on your behalf, and put them on your website. This can ease any doubts in the buyer’s mind.

Establish Expertise

Great real estate investing marketers not only show their expertise in investing, but they show their expertise in their property’s geographic area as well. 


To do this;

  • Building case studies
  • Show historical graphs 
  • Show future projections
  • Develop deep knowledge of the area


Much like the testimonials on your website, keep a list of references for people you’ve worked with in the past. If your potential buyers have any doubts, give them those references and let them make a couple calls to your previous clients. 

Who knows - your potential buyer may be friends with one of your past clients!

How To Build A Reputation As A Real Estate Investor


Old-fashioned networking is still one of the best ways to find potential real estate investors. Marketers know it’s always who you know

Attend local investor meetups or form your own! Getting to know local investors in the community will do nothing but open up doors and leads.


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