4 Steps To Using Postcards For Real Estate Wholesaling Outreach


Alright, before getting going on this, if you’re new to wholesaling, check out our guide to real estate wholesaling

With that said, if you're familiar with wholesaling in real estate, you know that lead generation is the lifeblood of any wholesaler's business. Postcards are still one of the most successful means of generating leads for real estate wholesaling. They allow you to reach a wider audience at a minimal cost, and can be a terrific approach to identify motivated sellers who want to sell their property quickly.


Step 1: Target Your Audience

Before sending out postcards, it is critical to establish your target demographic. This will help you tailor your message and offerings to the precise audience you wish to address. This is accomplished by determining the precise attributes of the homes as well as the type of purchasers you want to attract. 

real estate investor with dart above concept of globe to represent target audience

If you're looking for first-time home buyers, for example, you might want to focus on properties that are in good condition and in a desirable location. If you are targeting landlords seeking for rental homes, you might choose to focus on properties with numerous units or in high-rent areas. Understanding your target market will help you ensure that your postcards reach the proper people, boosting your chances of success.


Step 2: Postcard Design & Messaging

Your postcard's design and messaging can make or break your lead generating efforts. The design should be visually beautiful as well as legible. The messaging should be concise, precise, and compelling. 

Elegant emerald green post card placed on table

Once you understand the basics of real estate investor marketing, work these principles into your postcard messaging. Focus on the advantages of the properties and the chances they provide. Include a call to action, such as a phone number or website, so that potential leads can easily contact you. Consider using testimonials or success stories to gain the confidence and credibility of your audience. 

It's also critical to choose the correct postcard; the size, thickness, and finish of the card can reveal a lot about the quality of your company.

Tools To Design Postcards & Messaging

Design: Canva
Design: Adobe Spark
Writing: Grammarly
Writing: Hemmingway App


Step 3: Build (Or Buy) A Mailing List

No real estate direct mail campaign is complete without a targeted mailing list.

How To Get A Mailing List

  1. Building your own through Leadflow's skiptrace tool
  2. Buying from a list broker
  3. Buying from a mailing list service. 

When building or buying a mailing list, make sure to segment your list based on variables such as age, income, and geography. This will give you the biggest ROI out of your postcards, because the cards you send will get into the hands of qualified, motivated leads.


Step 4: Campaign Tracking And Follow-up

Tracking the efficacy of your postcard campaign allows you to get the highest ROI out of your time investment on future efforts. 

Calligraphy pen on a table with the phrase, "track and measure results"

To do this, create a separate phone number or website landing page for each separate postcard campaign you run, and then track the amount of leads and conversions that each campaign produces. 

Remember - lead creation is not complete without follow-up. Within 24-48 hours of collecting their contact information, follow up with your leads. This increases the likelihood of converting them into a deal. A CRM program can help you automate your follow-up process and keep track of your leads.


Postcards may be a fantastic way to create leads for real estate wholesaling. You may improve your chances of success by identifying your audience, producing an effective design and messaging, building a targeted mailing list, tracking your campaign, and following up with leads. Couple your direct mail efforts with a powerful all-in-one lead generation software like Leadflow and you’re unstoppable.

Grab your free 7-day trial below and see what Leadflow is all about today!
